Welcome to the Jumpstart Plan, which is designed to build your strength and mobility for aerial foundation skills! If you'd like to hear a bit about why I created this program, go have a listen at the Q&A session I held about it.
Some baseline terminology you'll need to know (I'll add to this as I notice confusion pop up):
rep - short for "repetition," a rep is a single execution of an exercise. One pushup is one rep, and 10 pushups are 10 reps.
set - a collection of reps. If your goal is to complete 20 pushups, you might break your workout up into two sets of 10 reps.
RIR - "reps in reserve." Let’s say you’re doing a set of bench press and you do 10 reps. When you finish, you know that you could have done 2 more reps with good form before failing. Your RIR is 2 in this case, since you could have performed only 2 more repetitions with good form.
AMRAP - "as many reps as possible" with good form. Completing as many repetitions of that movement as you can in a set amount of time with good form.
effort - in exercise training, refers to proximity to muscular failure. For example, 100% effort would be to failure.
isometric - muscle contractions that don't noticeably change the distance of the affected joint.
concentric - muscle contractions that shorten the distance of the affected joint.
eccentric - muscle contractions that lengthen the distance of the affected joint.
ramping - in isometric training, increasing effort over time.
Here's an overview of the Jumpstart Plan...