Do you really understand thoracic rotation?

Have ever heard this from a coach:

“Well, you just do it. You turn to the left.”

When it came to thoracic rotation, it made no sense in my body. 🤷‍♀️

The more I concentrated on the movement, the less I moved. I was stuck. How was it even possible?!

My brain knew that on average, each thoracic vertebra can rotate approximately 3°, so the entire thoracic spine should have 30-35° of rotation to each side. Intellectually I knew that. By my body said, “nah.”

And yet when I got into a Gyrokinesis class, when I flowed, it just happened naturally. What gave?

I spent decades of my life confused about thoracic rotation until I actually looked at the bones and understood how the ribs moved, not just the spine.

By trying to isolate rotation of the vertebrae, I was inadvertently locking down the rib movement needed to create spirals, something emphasized in my Gyrotonic practice.

So here’s a cue that might help you like it helped me (thanks, @conor_harris_, for the reminder today):

⭐️ Draw your ribs back on the side you’re rotating toward and bring them forward on the side you’re turning away from.

I hope you have a brain explosion like I did.

Drop your thoughts or how that feels in the comments! 👇